Dear Lucy, I read your paper, “Epistolary Hauntings: Working ‘With’ and ‘On’ Family Letters” with anticipatory excitement. I was curious to learn how the paper had developed since you presented on this topic in April, 2015 at the International Society for Education Biography annual conference in St. Louis. You did not disappoint! I was inspired to […]
Education's Histories
methodological grist for the history of educationArchive for October, 2016
October 20th, 2016 by Naomi Norquay
Dear Lucy: A Multilogue Response to Lucy E. Bailey’s “Epistolary Hauntings”
“Haunting describes those singular yet repetitive instances when home becomes unfamiliar, when your bearings on the world lose direction, when the over-and-done with comes alive, when what’s been in your blind spot comes into view.” Family Turns A series of family turns has rendered me steward of an unusual collection of letters which a relative […]